Medical disclaimer for herbal offerings

The information on this website is for general reference for further exploration and study. It is not intended as a replacement for professional medical advice. To make well-informed decisions for yourself, seek the guidance of your qualified health professional, such your medical doctor, nurse practitioner, naturopathic physician, and/or clinical herbalist with questions regarding your medical conditions, dosage information, and possible interactions with prescription drugs. This is especially important if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking prescription drugs, have a chronic disease or any chronic concern, have allergies, or if you are using this product with young children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

I'm an herbalist, trained in the Wise Woman tradition, who leans on ever-deepening relationships with local forests and plants and herbs and flowers and lichen, local wise women, ancestors (my own and others), other herbalists, and learning traditional folk ways from people who love to share them, every chance I get.

I intentionally study forests and plants directly, plus community wellness and connectedness and resilience, self-organizing groups, playfulness and deep fun, and life as experienced by those with different ancestors than my own. I talk with other herbalists, listen to the plants themselves, and read about a plant in at least a dozen books before I consider working with new plants. I am interested in deepening relationships with the local forest and plant community and the emotional support offered by the plants and trees around and closest to us. Unlike many herbalists, I don't consider myself a healer. To me, plants and forests and trees and other whole places are healers. True communities are healers. I'm someone who loves to learn, loves to talk with plants, and I'm interested in helping people find the plant connections they've lost and want to reconnect with to remember their whole true selves or meet their true selves for the first time. I'm a connector.

I make these offerings to support human friends and neighbors in reconnecting with the trees and plants near them and to help all of us as we deepen relationships with these wise and often leafy community members (that so many in my own culture can no longer even see, let alone lean on for support). I believe these things are what we need to learn more about or become better at right now. I don't study illness and disease, I'm not a medical doctor or a scientist (my masters and doctorate degrees are in learning and education). I've also never been pregnant.